May 1, 2012


BlackOut is another freshmen game of mine built in a team of 3.5 people. DigiPen put a restriction on us to only write the game using C!

Zhuhuii Yap - Producer, Lighting, AI, Physics
Jake Brinkly - Lead Designer, Sound Engine, Spawner
Lawrence Choi - Product Manager, UI, Level Generator
Matt Jordan - Artist

DigiPen only provided us with a graphics engine built by one of our instructors. The game begins with chucking the player in a world to survive waves of enemies.
Lets spawn some enemies.

Particle effects are so fun to make. Try and unlock a hidden mode I put into the game. It contains BUBBLES and more BUBBLES!
 Particle effects!

The game contains a robust level generator. This will build a new map for each play-through which is completely unique!
 Items and destructible buildings.

It took me 4 attempts to make ray tracing work but after pain and suffering it worked. Ray tracing is one of the achievements which I'm most proud in this game. Cracking the code on writing a basic ray tracer was a challenge for me since I have never written one before in my life.

The installer might have a few bugs.
Download it at:

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